Kent Lew · Type Designer

Invited by
Admin James Puckett
  • Re: List of glyphs to omit

    Max — I believe this is a combination that you will find in Maltese. For example, in the second bio on this page, the last sentence of the first paragraph starts with the word Irreffja. And the headl…
  • Re: List of glyphs to omit

    Regarding the main topic of the post, there is this older thread on obsolete characters. (Like many threads, it wanders on and off topic.) There is also this classic thread about character sets and w…
  • Re: What taxes font seller have to pay?

    It will vary quite a bit depending upon your jurisdiction and governing law. If you’re selling retail directly to consumers, you may be responsible for collecting local sales tax (this is an extremel…
  • Re: Latin Extended-B Languages?

    I think what Thomas meant by the “auto-generated kern feature” comment was that most commercial tools compile the {kern} feature out of the source file’s kerning data at the time of generation, and i…
  • Re: Contextually offsetting diacritics

    Okay, that’s interesting. I created a new test, taking a WIP font and putting in just the following test feature:feature ccmp { #testing one-to-many<br> sub edieresis by e dieresiscmb;<br>…